Joining FBC Paris

Should you desire to become a member of our church family, we would be delighted for you to do so. Any person desiring membership should respond during the invitation time of any regular worship service. The candidate may join the membership of this church by any of the following ways:

Baptism By Immersion

If you profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and submit to scriptural baptism by immersion, you may become a member of FBC Paris.

Letter of Recommendation

If you promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist church of like faith and order, you may become a member of FBC Paris.

Prior Conversion Experience

If you promise a statement of prior conversion experience and go through scriptural baptism by immersion, you may become a member of FBC Paris.

New Member Class

All candidates for membership in FBC Paris will be required to complete a New Member class before they will officially become members of this church.